The IMA currently works with all our associates and contributors on a volunteer basis.

We are currently working to provide financial support for our team by building a base of community contributors to support what we do.
More about that

Why join us?

Associates and contributors will be credited for all their work everywhere it appears under their preferred name and will retain ownership to their work products for use in other settings.

We encourage associates to use their experience with IMA to establish themselves in journalism or another field, eventually growing beyond our organization. We support associates by writing letters of recommendation to summarize their work experience with IMA.

We’re here to learn

In addition to providing high-quality independent news, we also educate and train citizen journalists and other media creators who make this work possible. When we can, we will provide constructive criticism, advice, support, and education for our associates.

How you can help

If you believe independent journalism is important, we invite you to be part of our mission. IMA welcomes people with a wide variety of skills and interests to contribute to our platform or support our work in other ways.

Currently we work with all our associates and contributors on a volunteer basis.

What next?

All new associates are subject to a vetting process by current IMA staff. As a general rule, we welcome people of all viewpoints and backgrounds, but staff must work with integrity and display good judgment / critical thinking.